Recent Games

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Bayside Barista
"Move to the Islands and open a Café", they said! Paddle the waves and Fish orders out of the Sea in this retro-arcade action game!
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Hamster Games
Help Ralph fulfill his OlyDreams of competing in a variety of Sports against others from around the World!
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Haulin' Asteroids
Crack Rocks, collect Nuggets in this Retro-Arcade Challenge!
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Kill the Queen
Carrom-based attack on the Spider Queen!
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Saga of Song
Saga of Song is a fast-paced single-screen Platformer filled with Imagination, complete with competitive Online Hi-Scores, Controller Support, and fraught with plenty of flavor and danger for you to explore! Each randomly generated game consists of 9 Stages which contain Treasure and Stars to collect in order to maintain the Song and (completely) clear (3x) in order to progress.
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Missile Command
Remake of Atari's Missile Command from 1980
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Legend of Song
Fast-paced Single-Screen Platformer Action! Will you deliver the musical Fruit to The Summoner and bring Song to The Realms while grabbing all the loot that you can in 20 Seconds?
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Invasion 360
Your favorite Invaders ~ with a Twist! 10 progressively difficult Waves + Challenge Stage & Final Boss level where Accuracy is key and YOU are all that stands between Us and Them!
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Space Scavenger
The Earth is under attack and only you can save it! Launch into space and defend your planet against a bombardment of asteroids!
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Brick Destroyer
Brick Destroyer is simple fun game where you have a paddle and a ball. You hit the ball around the screen without letting it past you or you will lose it. While the ball is flying around it is bouncing off bricks. While it hits the bricks it also destroys them. Destroy all the bricks to beat the level and move onto the next. You will start off with 2 balls and continue until you have 0. The more levels you complete the greater your score. You may find the download at Google Play -
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TamBam CannonBird
This is a multiplayer game as well as it's a single player game.
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Mutant Flora Bomber
The Gameplay in Mutant Flora Bomber will be instantly recognisable to anyone of "a certain age". Your Aeroplane has run out of fuel and you have to clear your runway by bombing the obstruction. This is actually the premise of one of the first games I ever programmed and was very popular in the early 1980s. In Mutant Flora Bomber, mutant trees are growing on your runway. I chose trees rather than the traditional city to help embrace the theme, also I think bombing cities has became politically incorrect lately. If you would like to play it blog and entry into the Indy Game Maker Contest 2015 can be found here